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Nature-based Coaching and Facilitation


A very warm welcome to Being in Nature. 


Hello, I'm Karen. I provide nature-based coaching and facilitation services for people who are looking for inspiration and positive change, who are open to deepening their connection with Nature.


Perhaps you feel troubled about the world and want to find authentic hope, to feel more inspired and positive about the future? Or perhaps you're someone who longs for the deep sense of connection that we only get from being plugged in to Nature, but you don't know how exactly to find it? Maybe you feel called to making a real difference in the world, to playing your part in creating a kinder, fairer, greener society, and you're not sure yet what that might look like for you?


I work with people who want their lives to feel more fulfilling and aligned with their deepest values.  I love to work with you if you're tired of Business-as-Usual and are longing to belong to a growing movement of individuals, businesses and communities who are creating a brighter future for our descendants, those of us who want to be good ancestors. I work with activists, change-makers, conscious leaders and ethical entrepreneurs who are looking to turn anxiety, despair, or overwhelm into fuel for positive, ethical, life-affirming action.


I also hold supportive listening spaces for grief - whether it arises from personal losses, or for the converging humanitarian  and ecological crises of our time. As a wise woman once said: " Grieving is a solitary activity that we can't do alone".  Sharing our grief with others who are also grieving and who make a welcome for its expression, is one of the most transformative and healing gifts we can give ourselves.


If any of this speaks to you, or piques your curiosity, please see quick links to my services below and take a look at the other pages here. I hope you enjoy looking around my website and if you have any questions, I'd love to hear from you.


Warm wishes,


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Click below to find out about nature-based and IFS-informed coaching

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Workshops and events


Click below for information about my upcoming workshops, small group journeys and other events

Nature-based coaching

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Online programmes and community to support your nature-connection journey and practices

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Consultancy Services

Freelance project work, research and training in community engagement, resilience and regeneration

Loving Nature Community


‘I was hoping to address my grief and to turn some of that energy into a focus for action. The workshop provided exactly that. It was profoundly moving, in a very life giving and affirming way. ‘ - Ruth
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